How are you?
It's been a while, but I'm back and below I will show you a Power Automate cloud flow that takes a Teams transcript text file, summarises it with GPT4 via Open AI studio and then sends the summary to the meeting organiser, for them to approve to send it to all participants in the meeting.
I have added the solution as unmanaged and it is on my GitHub repo here:
You know what, it would be helpful if I provided a guide to actually help people configure this, so here we go:
Installation instructions
Download the latest version from the repo.
Select the right environment you want to import the solution into
Click Import Solution on the ribbon
Browse to the solution zip file
Click Next
Click Next again
Next you need to make sure you have an Open AI API key, you can get one from https://platform.openai.com
Then you need to go to https://portal.azure.com and click on App Registrations, give it a name and click register.
Take a copy of the Directory (tenant ) ID
Take a copy of the Application (client) ID
Click on API permissions and give all of these permissions to the App Registration:
Click Grant Admin permission for
Click on Certificates and Secrets
Click New client secret
Make a copy of the value
Go back to the solution import, paste this in the TS Graph Client Secret field
Paste the Tenant ID (from step 10) in the TS Graph Tenant ID field
Paste the client ID (from step 11) in the TS Graph Client ID field
Next steps are optional:
Go to https://dev.azure.com (you will be promoted to sign in, and probably taken back to the Azure Portal)
Click on Azure DevOps Organisations
In the top right hand corner click the person cog icon:
Click Personal Access Token 25.Click New Token
Complete as per the screenshot
Click Create
Copy the Personal Access Token (PAT Token)
Click Close
Paste this in the TS ADO PAT Key field back on the solution import page
Click Import
You can find this guide with screenshots on the Readme file in the repo here.
Special thanks to Louisa Kristensen for pointing this out to me, and apologies to anyone who might have struggled.
Please see the video for more details:
Here is the actual summary from the video that used the flow to summarise itself. Yeah. What. I don’t even know if that’s English.
Teams Meeting Summarizer - Meeting Notes (2024-05-04)
Agenda Items
Demonstration of the Teams Meeting Transcript Summarization Flow
Review of the flow's components and operations
Decision making on the approval process for summarized notes distribution
Discussion Points
Jon Russell showcased a flow he created that processes and summarizes Teams meeting transcripts.
The flow waits 15 minutes post-meeting, then chunks the transcript to avoid exceeding OpenAI's token limit.
The summarized notes are sent back to the meeting organizer for review.
There's the potential for integration with wikis, although not covered in the meeting.
Decisions Made
It was decided to include an approval step where the meeting organizer can confirm before sending the summarized notes to all participants.
Jon mentioned plans to make the flow available on GitHub for public use.
The flow's challenge with programmatically finding the meeting URL needs addressing.
Action Items
Jon Russell to post the flow on GitHub and his blog.
Jon to work on a solution for automatically retrieving the meeting URL.
Further exploration into adding content to wikis using the flow.
Attachments/Documents Shared
Flow demonstration video by Jon Russell.
Link to the blog post and GitHub repository for the flow (to be provided).
Additional Information
Jon@jondoesflow.com provided insights into the technical details of the flow.
Further assistance may be needed for the meeting URL retrieval issue.